The Marden Farmer Cluster has 26 members now managing and farming well over 10,000 acres of land centring on the village of Marden and encompassing large areas of the catchment and flood plains of the rivers Beult and Teise (catchment bounded in red).
The Marden Cluster is one of thirteen farmer clusters covering over twenty five percent of the Kent rural landscape, three of which, including Marden, work closely with The Kent Wildlife Trust.
Driven by visionary farmers and their peers, new clusters are being established to fill large voids, the membership normally being based around a shared landscape; established clusters are adding new members to fill in the gaps within their own geographical delineation and to link up with adjacent groups.
To achieve Defra’s landscape scale recovery aspirations, a county-wide cluster network is seen as a key cornerstone to the delivery of The Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Kent and Medway, known as The Making Space for Nature (MS4N) project.